Index of /hyko-dataset/HyKo1
1. Title of Dataset:
2. Author Information
Name: Christian Winkens
Institution: University of Koblenz-Landau
Address: Universitätsstraße 1, 56070 Koblenz
3. Date of data collection
4. Geographic location of data collection (where was data collected?):
Koblenz, Germany
1. File List
A. Folder: nir_float_terrclass
Short description: Contains extracted data from the NIR camera as annotated MATLAB Level 5 MAT files.
B. Folder: vis_float_terrclass
Short description: Contains extracted data from the VIS camera as annotated MATLAB Level 5 MAT files.
C. Folder: raw-data
Short description: Contains raw-data in form of ros bagfiles.
D. Folder: calib
Short description: Contains calibration information.
E. Folder: labels
Short description: Contains label files.
2. Relationship between files: The image data contained in the folders were extracted from various rosbags, which were recorded in Koblenz and the surrounding area on June 19,2016. The images were extracted from the dataset about every 4 seconds, preprocessed and then saved. The masks were created with an annotation tool developed for this purpose. The data streams of the cameras were synchronized with the help of a hardware trigger. The data was labeled in terms of drivability!
1. Description of methods used for collection/generation of data:
The cameras used for the recording are two special multi-spectral cameras from Ximea:
- MQ022HG-IM-SM4X4-VIS with LM5JC10M lens from Kowa
- MQ022HG-IM-SM5X5-NIR with VIS-NIR lens from Edmund Optics
And a camera from Basler:
- acA2040-25gc with LM6HC lens from Kowa
The recording was synchronized via a hardware trigger consisting of an Arduino board.
The data streams were recorded with Ubuntu 14.04 and ROS-Indigo and stored as rosbags.
The Rosbags are raw data that have to be pre-processed specially.
* Drivability